Thursday, July 15, 2010

Another day in July

Hi everyone,
Today is ending up to be doctor appointment day. Sam still has blurry eyes (day 3). I brought him to chemo. They didn't think it was the chemo that is causing his eye problems because his chemo dose is low. I got on the phone and called his primary care doctor and got an appointment for this afternoon at 2:40. Maybe this doctor will have an idea of what is going wrong.

Not else much is new. I am reading "The Thornbirds" by C. McCulloch. They made a movie of this book so I am going try to get it and watch it after I am done. The book so far is very good. We also watched the season opener of "The Closer" last night after we watched The Tour de France. I love "The Closer".

I had to make another appt. with my dermatologist. I read in a magazine that something that looks like a wart could also be skin cancer. I have what I thought was a wart on my right thumb. I just saw the dermatologist recently but did not think to show him the wart. So the earliest appt. I could get was Aug.5. Hopefully it really is a wart (sure looks and feels like one). Maybe he can get rid of it whatever it is.

It ia supposed to be 104 degrees this Saturday. Probably no walk for Maggie even if I left at 0700.

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