Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Piano! Bears!

Hi all,
Andy and I helped stimulate the economy this weekend by buying a piano. It is a Currier console piano. It is used and in good condition. Out the door with delivery and tune-up it cost us $1700.00. I signed up for classes through Sierra College. It cost only $41.00 for once a week, three hours each session. So, I will be busy between Spanish and piano and maybe, substitute teaching and trying to keep up with running. I went to the Placer County Office of Education today and filled put the paperwork for substitute teaching. It cost $101.00 by the time you add all the fees up.

My sister M went up to Tahoe Saturday and discovered we had a bear break-in. They went straight to the kitchen. They opened up cupboards and the freezer and ate what they liked. They made a sticky mess when they ate Cool-Aid powder. They seemed to like powdery stuff. Poor M had to clean it all up. The door will need to be replaced. We also have some wall work that needs to be taken care of from a plumbing problem. We have also scheduled a firm to come in and do the deck which needs a lot of work. It never ends. Hopefully the bears won't come back.

Nothing else really new.
Take care,

1 comment:

little ol me said...

I used to live in Granite Bay and had a place on Donner Summit. Reading your post reminds me of "home". So sorry to hear about the fires out there. I hope everything is getting back under control and your place in Tahoe is safe.