Saturday, July 25, 2009

July Ends

Hi all,
Well July is almost over. Boo hoo, summer is going by so fast. This will be a short entry because not much is going on. I had a rest week as far as running goes so I didn't do much there. I also didn't bike that much. And I ate too much. So, you know what that means. Yes, the pounds are piling on. I really need to get back into more cycling especially since on August 16 I am riding in the Tour de Organics. It should be fun. A bunch of Bella Fiore girls are riding so we are renting a house in Sebastopol for 2 nights during the weekend we ride. I am looking forward to it. But I need to be putting more miles in to get ready. Today I have book club so that should be fun. We are reading Rosewater and Soda Bread. It is about 3 Iranian women who move to Ireland and open a cafe there. It is a great book. So Chris is hosting and since she lives way out there I am riding with Maeve since she knows how to get there. Nothing else is really new. We are interviewing people for two tasks. We need better lighting in our kitchen and family room. We also want advice on how to improve the look of our general living area in the house (family room, dining room, living room). We also are interviewing people to do some landscaping work in the back yard. So, sometime in the future I will have to do the old babysit Maggie thing so she is not too upset while work is being done. Not the most enjoyable task because I don't have as much freedom to bike ride and run when I am taking care of Maggie. Nothing else eally new. Hope your days are going well.

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